Text by: Salwat Ali.
Photography: Courtesy of Salwat Ali
If you can stand the heat and haze then midsummer is a great time to hunt for fresh talent in art. Most galleries put their solo acts on ice and turn their exhibition spaces into pluralistic laboratories to test new talent and experiment with cool ideas. Thumbing through a swirl of new names and an assortment of unseen art, audiences, by slowing the viewing act, can actually discover some gems in the copious offerings; and accidently stumbling across a work of ace value more than perks up the browsing exercise.
Art is now centered on the challenge and excitement of inventing new vocabularies and addressing current issues largely through dramatic and often shocking expressions. The currency of new multi and mixed media arts has overwhelmed artists and viewers alike making them oblivious to the charms of conventional painterly practices – but dedicated practitioners still exist and excellence still has the power to mesmerize observers.


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