Design for self

“Design for self”, an easy task or difficult? Is it a creative exploration or a reign into imagination; an amalgamation of personal statements or a dilution of ideas? A difficult question to comprehend. ADA in its second theme issue presents a mosaic of works of architects, designers and artists who have dared to delve into spaces for self.  A fierce, daring task to conquer the devil within, to propagate the adage less is more; or the sustainable factor; or yet go down memory lane for nostalgic ideas and in all of this fight the biggest demon in all, the dynamics of economics. How do these designers conquer all? For some creation has come with ease, is flawless and is an extension of their works. Yet for other designers their own spaces are their identity hence a studied approach has been taken. But identification is something that cannot be evaluated in terms of monetary aspects but is a reflection of one’s beliefs and adherence to certain design philosophies which get reflected in a designers work.
A showcasing of multi discipline of designers which range from senior; well recognized names to youngsters making waves in the design industry. A visual range coupled with the designers description of their own works is the highlight of the theme.


Copyright © 2012 ADA: Architecture Design Art.