Imran Mir | 1950-2014
Dear Imran,
We had a brief talk when you called me early October. If
I knew it was going to be our last conversation I would have extended it a bit
longer. You told me you were not feeling
well but you did not give me a clue that it was so serious. A week or so later,
I made a few attempts to call you to find out how you were doing but without
luck. Perhaps you were too busy preparing for your last journey.
On October 25, I received a shocking email from Karachi saying that your prognosis was not good. A few days later, another email carried the sad news. Understandably, Nighat, Jibran and Ken’an must have felt more pain, but your family extended far beyond your household. I want to tell you that a large circle of your friends and admirers in Pakistan and overseas are deeply hurt and miss you so much.
Your dear friend Dr. Sughra in Boston wrote these words to share her grief:
“I have been deeply saddened by Imran’s passing, and am writing to you
as a fellow mourner. Imran meant a lot to most people fortunate enough to know
him, including me. He has been a generous, loving, kind, encouraging, fun, and
a completely loyal friend for over forty years and I miss him terribly.”